Tried entering IN but DOOR shut :(
well my last inerview and me was wanting that it gets done with fast... and as we say Pranav Proposes God Disposes/... I was called in last for the PI...
GD was a Case Study abt
3 guys - Mr. Hirendra (GM Fin), Mr. Gopalan Nair (VP Fin), Mr. Mohan (Chief of operations) of TL Ltd, a construction company. The company is building a plant for Bikes Ltd. If the plant is operational before the 31st March, then Bikes Ltd will get tax benefits. Mr. Gopalan is also the brother in law of the MD of Bikes Ltd. Now the project is running successfully in Feb. Some load shedding was anticipated in march. currently 3 power generators were being used. mohan estimated that if the power did fail, 10 more will be needed. so mr hirendra suggested hiring these 10 generators. however since the project was executing well, the company did not hire all the 10. hirendra was out of station when suddenly there was power failure in march. in the meantime, the corporate office had already shifted one of the generators to some other site as all were not being utilised here. gopalan tried to hire the required 10 generators but could only get 7 as there was shortage of generators since this load shedding was anticipated. so he issued funds to purchase the remaining 4 generators. the project was compeleted on time. in the board room meeting, hirendra got angry with gopalan as to why did he spend extra on the project when he could have rented more generators or shifted some from the valsad plant in gujarat. Hirendra is higher up in the hierarchy compared to Gopalan. What are the issues and what should be done to resolve them?
WEll to put it mildly... the GD was slowwww and uninteresting... No one started and I had to start ..... A lot of times no one would speak so I had to speak.. this was a disadavantage for me as I ended up speaking quite a lot and not sure how the panel marked taht.....
Overall content of GD was good and nothng more would be done... NO MASALA CASE Yaar1!!!
NExt the endless wait for the PI.. I dont know why IIM Indore decided that they will call students in random order... It did not make any sense and all students were sitting hoping they would be next...
Yours truly was called in LAST after a wait of almost 4 hours and by then I was really bored and tired....
Tall Prf: (TP)
Moustache Prof:( MP)
Me: Main: Culprit: Sarkar :D
I walk in and take a seat.. and
TP: Pranav can you please complete this form for us... I didnt know what to do.... Removed pen flled in marks and gave back... Apperenetly I had not filled in one table...
nesxt... TP: Pranav what is this company you work in??
TOld them about my company!!
TP:Okies so y PGDBA?
sir Blah blah blah..
TP: that means after PGDBA you will open classes for that course and sly smile on face...
No sir this is not my plan for a career it was started as I sensed a business oppurtunity and wanted to capitalise on it....
TP: Okies tell me what is Six Sigma
TP: Passed a sheet of paper;;;
Tell me what happens statistaically
explained well with a few cross questions as normallly done by interviewer..
TP: What is EOQ??
TP: Write FRormula
Wrote (by deriving and thinking loudly)
TP:What is PERT?
Me: Told the full form and a lil bit abt it...
TP: Where is it used?
Me: Sir it is used in Project Management....
TP: What is Simplex?
TOld welll
TP: Can you tell me what a Linear model looks like?
Wrote on paper but example quality was strictly average
HE corected me in a couple of places
TP: PRanav what is theory X and Theory Y
I swear I have not heard those terms or dont remember them at alll
TP: Ok do you motivational theories?
Yesss Sir
TP: Have you heard about MAslow's Hierachy Theory
Yes SIr
TP: Draw and show us
Did not know properly so goofed up here ( OB is my worstest subject)
Now he passes the baton to the other profeessor
MP: Pranav have you heard about the Seven Sisters?
YEs Sir
MP: What are they?
Sir they are......handled well
MP: NAme them (this is where i knew I was doomed) a
Named 5
MP: Do you know a state whaich has 2 capitals
No SIr
Mp: Do you know a city which is capital of 2 states?
Sir, Chandigarh
MP; Do you know why J&K is reffered to as a Special Clause seperately in all our policies?
Tried to guess here but did very miserably and he took my case on this
Okies tell me what is Delhi?
Sir a Unin Territory.. with a lot of tentativeness
TP jumps is here and says sooftly as if he is whispering....
then who is Sheila Dikhsit
Sir she is teh Chief Minister of Delhi
MP: Do UT s have Chief Ministers ?
Moi: No sir, then Delhi is a State and not a UT.
Sorry sir I got a little mixed u...
Thank Yu SIr...
I get up, turn around 90 degrees right.....
Exit silently head held low and walk out to FREEDOM from the process at IIMs...
I dont know what i did right or wrong but it was not at all satisfying one of the worst along with K...
Bye all please cpost your comments
Delhi is an NCR and that bestows on it the CM thingie. Also, Pondy has a CM, dunno about others, though :)
Just a li'l nit-picking
9:04 AM
nice "brief"ing man!
8:51 PM
Delhi was a UT, but it became constituent state of India in 1993.
9:50 PM
the state which have two capital is jammu and kashmir, ur blog is really nice and very interesting....
1:06 PM
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